piatok 1. novembra 2019

Katolícka cirkev - Je spása skrze vieru + skutky?

Porovnávanie učenia katolíckej doktríny ohľadne destinácie človeka po smrti s Bibliou nám ukazuje že práve v tejto najpodstatnejšej oblasti idú katolícka cirkev a Biblia proti sebe. Čomu budeš veriť ty?

pondelok 25. marca 2019

Katolícka cirkev - Kresťanstvo 2

Čudujem sa, že od toho, ktorý vás povolal Kristovou milosťou, tak rýchlo prebiehate k inému evanjeliu. Iného evanjelia však niet. To iba niektorí vás znepokojujú a chcú prekrútiť Kristovo evanjelium. Ale keby sme my alebo aj anjel z neba zvestovali iné evanjelium namiesto toho, ktoré sme vám zvestovali — nech je prekliaty! Ako sme už povedali, aj teraz opakujem: Ak vám niekto zvestoval iné evanjelium namiesto toho, ktoré ste prijali — nech je prekliaty!

Galaťanom 1:6-9

pondelok 11. júla 2016

What To Think About When Buying A Treadmill

Treadmills are some of the best artificial walking and running machines, and they can be used either in a gym or at home.

They work by moving an electrically-powered belt around quickly in the opposite direction to your walking or running, allowing you to exercise your muscles without actually moving. The effect is like going for a long walk, only without having to brave the elements, hurt your feet or worry about where to go.

At its most basic, a treadmill is little more than the belt, a handle and an ‘on’ switch, but treadmills can potentially have many more features than that. The best treadmills know can be programmed to time you as you run or measure how much distance you would have covered, and alert you when you have done a certain number of minutes or miles. Some models are also capable of counting the exact number of steps you have done, the number of calories you have burned, and many other things besides.

If you’re thinking of buying a treadmill, there are two things you absolutely must do. Firstly, you must measure the space where you’re planning to put it and take the measurements with you to the shop, as treadmills that look quite small there will suddenly seem a lot bigger once you get them home, and might not even fit through your door (measure that too, by the way!).

The second thing you need to do is to make sure to try out the treadmill in the showroom before you buy it, no matter how silly you might feel doing it – treadmills are expensive, and not every one is suitable for every person. As the shop probably won’t take it back once you’ve used it, you need to make sure that it’s right for you before it ever comes through your door.

streda 18. mája 2016

Becoming One of Those Sexy Fitness Babes

In today's modern society, you have to consider that being fit means being attractive. Besides, you would have more sex appeal if you have a great looking body instead of having those extra padding in your body. So, if you want to look and feel sexy and also have more self confidence, you have to consider starting a fitness program for your body.

If you saw TV and fitness magazine advertising before, you have to admit that the fitness babes looks so attractive showing off their sexy and fit body. If you want to make it as a fitness babe or simply want to look like them, you have to consider working out in the gym. You have to realize the fact that having a well-toned and sexy body not only means that you will be very attractive it will also mean that your heart and the rest of your body will be healthy as well. By working out, you will be less at risk for heart diseases and other diseases such as diabetes.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of benefits that exercising or working out can provide. Aside from the fact that you will look attractive and have more self-confidence, you can prevent diseases from affecting you.

Discipline required!

What if you are already a mom or are always very busy at work? You have to consider that some of these fitness babes are also a mom or are very busy at work. Working out to have a great looking body applies to everyone. You have to consider that there are quite a lot of fitness programs available in fitness centers today. There are fitness programs for moms and there are also different fitness programs for career women. If you saw moms and career women who look like fitness babes, you have to consider that they probably are. By just having enough discipline and dedication for fitness, it will be possible for you to get that healthy looking body that you have always wanted.

Are you too busy to go to the gym on regular basis? 

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can always purchase home gym equipments and hire a fitness expert to guide you and schedule you on your daily workout routine. They will also be able to provide you with the proper diet when you are working out. Many women today desire having a great looking and sexy and fit body. However, you have to consider that many women try everything only to have little or no results at all. Sometimes, women try different kinds of diet where it can be very dangerous for their health by depriving the proper nutrients that their body needs.

They also try cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction just to have a great looking body. However, these methods can just give you thin body. It will not eventually give you a fit and well toned body. And, these methods are usually dangerous.

So, if you want a well-toned body like those of fitness babes, you have to consider working out in order to have it. It is a natural way and it is also beneficial to your health.

piatok 13. mája 2016


Treadmills offers a great alternative to walking outside as well as much more versatile than outdoor walking especially in choosing your terrain and walking attributes. Treadmills are a great investment because they are easy to setup, and use. There is no special training when using a treadmill that might be necessary when using weight training equipment or other fitness machines. 

How Much Does A Treadmill Cost?

The price of treadmills is going to vary quite a bit. For a low end model of a treadmill the cost is going to range from 300 to 2000, for the high end people can easily drop over 5000 dollars for a deluxe model. The price varies usually due to the computer system that is present with in the treadmill. Many treadmills of the feature of recording stats including heart rate, time, calories, fat, and distance. 

What About Power?

Another feature which should be taken into consideration is the horsepower of the treadmill. For the average consumer a treadmill should offer a continuous duty rating. While some treadmills may brag about their peak horsepower which could be extremely high this means at ideals conditions the treadmill might be able to achieve that. There for it is most important to know what the motor of the treadmill can be regularly and consistently. Treadmills can also be very noisy. If noise is a concern for you then seek out treadmills which have DC motors which are significantly quieter then the alternatives.

What should I be aware of when buying a treadmill?

Treadmills should be strong and stable. When you are testing out a potential treadmills for purchase make sure you are dresses as if you are actually going to exercise and wearing your running shoes. Check the rails to make sure they are properly secured and you can easily wrap your hand around them. Other things to check is if the running path and belt are large enough for you to run on. Another great feature of treadmills is that they are programmable and can be preset. This is a great way to make your exercise experience more enjoyable. Also a bottle holder and magazine rack are handy conveniences when doing a daily workout.

Be sure about dimensions!

Take into consideration the amount of space you have to devote to your treadmill this will determine which type of treadmill is best for you. Remember to measure your space and bring home the dimensions of the treadmill first. Most exercise equipment looks small on the sales floor but can be too big for a normal sized room. Many treadmills fold up, if you are seeking a fold up model measure the space you have to house it and buy accordingly.

sobota 30. apríla 2016

Lifespan TR 1200i Treadmill Review

Product: LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill
Price: $899.00 
Cheapest Place to Buy: Amazon.com
Power: 2.5 Horsepower
My Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Treadmills are designed to bring your cardio workout off the road and into your home and none can do it better than the LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill. This is a treadmill that not only excels in design but also in giving you optimal cardio results. You won’t be spending hours planning your run or keeping track of your calorie-burning – the LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill does it all for you.

Pros Of The LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill Overview:

  • Multicolored LCD Console – the main centerpiece displays calorie rate, time records, distance, steps, speed, heart rate, as well as incline level. You can access numerous workout programs to instantly start working towards a specific goal.
  • LifeSpan Fitness Club – you can instantly upload and download data from your fitness club account to track your progress, get new programs, and more.
  • Running Power – the LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill comes with a strong 2.5 horsepower motor and a 20×56 running surface. This gives you all the power and space you need to get the best workout session possible.
  • EZ Drop Folding System – where other treadmills are large, bulky, and a total waste of space when it comes to putting them away, the TR 1200i is very easy to store because it instantly folds up. The EZ drop bar makes it a lot easier to bring it back down, eliminating the need for heavy locks and bolts.
My Zone – My Zone is an included program that monitors your heart rate and uses this as the basis for a running session. The treadmill will automatically adjust speed and inclination as according to the parameters you set in relation to your heart rate.

Cons of the LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill:

  • Lacking Quick Buttons – while the console is great, some have remarked about it missing quick buttons to instantly adjust the speed or volume without having to scale the system manually.
  • Cheap Motor Cover – the motor is arguably one of the most important parts of the treadmill and it is unfortunate that it is not very well protected.

Should You Buy It?

The LifeSpan TR 1200i Treadmill is an amazing treadmill. It might have a few design issues but over all you are getting everything that matters – customizable programs, access to an online account for more data, adjustable settings, and a design fit for safety and comfort.  What is even more amazing is how affordable it is yet despite the low price tag it still carries all the features you’d expensive in a $2,000 model.

Treadmill Exercise Equipment – The Benefits

When we think about treadmill exercise equipment , we often think of an expensive gym filled with others. For some people they aren’t comfortable venturing to a gym and working out in front of other people. For them purchasing a piece of exercise equipment for their home is a better choice.
Although there are numerous different choices in Treadmill Exercise Equipment, one particular piece of equipment stands out. The treadmill is an affordable choice and with its ease of use it’s perfect for almost every member of the family.

What Are The Benefits Of Treadmill Exercise Equipment?

The benefits of treadmill exercise equipment are far reaching. Not only does it afford you the same benefits of a brisk walk but there are other elements in play as well.
One of the benefits of treadmill exercise is that engaging in exercise each day helps with sleep. If you take a few moments of your time each day to use the treadmill you’ll find that you are more tired around bedtime and you’ll sleep more soundly. The Treadmill Exercise Equipmentbody needs to nourish itself with sleep after it’s gone through a period of exertion.
When considering the benefits of treadmill exercise people don’t often consider how the mood can be affected. Regular, daily exercise can help with feelings of depression or sadness. The time involved on the treadmill doesn’t have to be long. Even a short ten or twenty minute period each day can be very beneficial.

You Need To Start Lightly!

Some of the greatest benefits of treadmill exercise equipment can be felt when you adjust the machine. Treadmills that are run on electricity have different speed settings. If you are just beginning an exercise regime than using the lowest speed is advisable!
Even at a low setting your body will enjoy the benefits of treadmill exercise including an increased heart rate and fat burning. As you grow more accustomed to the speed you can increase it slowly!

Changing The Incline 

Changing the incline of the track can result in increased benefits of treadmill exercise. When you feel as though you are walking uphill you are focusing on the muscles contained in your legs and buttocks. For a man or woman wanting to tone up these areas this can give great results.
Treadmills exercise equipment are one of the easiest pieces of exercise equipment to use. Once the machine is assembled it is as simple as getting on and walking or running. The benefits of treadmill exercise can be felt by anyone including more mature people who are looking for a safe and easy way to exercise.

Electric Vs. Manual

Not all treadmills are electric. There are manual versions of treadmills available. The benefits of treadmill exercise on a manual treadmill as opposed to an electric version are much the same. The only difference is that with the manual treadmill exercise equipment you will find yourself working a bit harder to get the belt to move. This in itself is a benefit because it requires a bit more exertion on the part of the person exercising.
Treadmills are available in many designs and in every price range. If you really want to experience the benefits of treadmill exercise equipment , purchase a machine today.

Read Here – Lifespan TR 1200i Treadmill Review